Kindness of a Stranger: A Poem

Kindness of a Stranger: A Poem

How powerful is the kindness of a stranger?

With no obligation or reason to show

But simply because they want you to know

Your heart and their heart are saying hello

The insults of strangers are deflated by ubiquity

We hear them so often like the buzz of a bee

Every now and again they give you a sting

But they don’t have the power to conquer me

Why waste words to tear someone down?

We need more strangers who can reverse a frown

Who are not afraid to look like a clown

But can brighten a room without making a sound

The kind words of a friend are almost expected

But a stranger can surprise you while you are protected

With a smile or a gesture or gift unexpected

You’re likely to bring down all our defenses

Kindness is known to bring forth repentance

A desire to pay forward that which was given

To take not for granted the great gift of friendship

But extend kindness to those who don’t expect it

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