Lover of Souls: A Poem
Lover of Souls: A Poem
Voice like thunder
Touch like lightning
Could turn to ashes
Or ignite the spark of life
This is the lover of souls
Deep as the ocean
Calm as still waters
Could drown in his justice
Or float up the river of peace
This is the lover of souls
High as the mountains
Near as the wind
Could be out of reach
Or incredible close
This is the lover of souls
Majestic as a flower field
Vibrant as a rainbow
Could liken him to one
Or celebrate how diverse
This is the lover of souls
Richer than King Midas
Poorer than a peasant
Could seek him for his riches
Or be wealthy in his grace
This is the lover of souls
Violent as a hurricane
Gentle as a dove
Could fear and hide away
Or bow down at his mercy
This is the lover of souls
Wiser than the owl
Humble as a sparrow
Could put to shame the wise
Or exalt the simple
This is the lover of souls
Exalted as king
Chose to be a servant
Could pronounce judgment
Or die for you and me
This is the lover of souls