Reflection: A Poem

Reflection: A Poem

You’re so arrogant


And much worse than that

You’re so smug


behave just like a cat


When you walk in, we avoid you

Deep down you know that it’s true

When you speak we ignore you

Most of us don’t have a clue

What to do

With your stew

Old yet new

Always blue

Worn out shoe

Bad hairdo

Hell, just look at you

It’s so clear, the mask of perfection

A facade in the form of a smile

But we know the truth all the while

It’s a mask for your own protection


Your need for attention


It just isn’t right

You are cruel

And obnoxious

Though you seem so composed


Why go through the trouble

Of getting out of bed?

Only to be hated

Before you wind up dead

This is what I hear from their spirits

You see

From their words, looks, and behavior

Directed toward me

… … … …

Then my reflection shrugged his shoulders

Walked away from his station

Left me standing alone

To interpret this vision


Stepped into the shower

Upturned my palms

lifted eyes to the heavens

Tears started to fall


I asked of my Father

“Please hold me down

Heavy as an anchor

so I shall not be moved”

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