The Palace: A poem

The Palace: A Poem

I tried to build a palace

A home with many rooms

A haven for my solace

Protection from my gloom

I tried to build a palace

But the walls kept falling down

Every stone I put in place

Fell tumbling to the ground

I tried to build a palace

Though I knew not how to build

How hard can it truly be?

All I need is grit and will

I tried to build a palace

And I started with the door

But the door is always open

If no walls protect the floor

I tried to build a place

Until a builder saw my trouble

He said, “you have a problem!

You cannot build on top of rubble.”

He said, “to build a palace,

You must first clear out what’s broken.

Once the earth is level

You can start on your foundation”

“Let me help you build a palace.”

He said, “I’ve done it all before

“I’ll write the plans and be your guide

Just follow every word.”

Now I build a palace

Though I still feel so unsure

I’m clinging to the builder’s plan

To help me feel secure

I’m still working on my palace

And I’m learning more and more

As I build the walls up to the roof

I know why I need the door

At least I’ll have a palace

When all the work is done

Because a builder came along

And had pity on this one

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